My life turned upside down and inside out in 2006 when my daughter was diagnosed at five months old with cerebral palsy. She was also fitted with hearing aids as she had a profound hearing impairment.
Wow – looking back now I went into survival mode! Everything became about my daughter. I read up and researched and learnt everything I could about cerebral palsy and hearing loss. We started therapies with her straight away. We went down that rabbit hole of too much information and too many uninformed choices. What was going to “fix” her. What was going to make her “normal”. I was going to be that miracle mom to make everything right with her world. We plunged in head first and we ran from one therapist to another, to one doctor to another, to dietician to dietician, to conventional forms of treatment to more alternative methods and we just ran and ran!
Until one day I could run no more. We were both exhausted.

My life was so out of balance. I had very little time for myself, I did nothing that nourished my soul, I ate the wrong foods if I ate at all, and when I did have some time for myself I was over exercising, I had adrenal fatigue, I had thyroid problems, my moods were all over the place, I was always tired. I was a mess.
I had a good, hard look at myself and decided to change my life and in doing so changed my daughter’s as well.
I had forgotten that she was just this beautiful little girl who was so happy just being her. We now spend our days doing some therapy but most of the time we play these beautiful imaginary games that she loves and learns so much from. We laugh, we have fun together, we are healthy, we are balanced but most importantly of all we love each other beyond words – she is my biggest teacher!
I embarked on the journey of becoming a health coach because I want to help other people to find health and balance in their lives. To find what nourishes their soul, to find fulfilment in their lives, to be joyous, to love themselves, to realise that making time for themselves is not a selfish act but in fact the most selfless thing that they can do for themselves and their families. I want to help people to discover what foods to eat that will give their body the energy it needs to move throughout the day. To learn and practice mindfulness. To reconnect with themselves.

We often want to make changes but don’t know how to go about making those changes. I learnt through my journey with my daughter to take one small step at a time, to not think too much about the future and to let the past go. Let me help you take that first small step.
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